Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Chris' birthday - Part 2

Originally uploaded by theslaad.
I shall continue staright from where we last left you!
Chris' hair has been getting a little on the long side and quite frankly he needed a haircut, so what better time than your birthday to spruce yourself up a bit and get a quick short back & sides? We'd noticed a few barbers working on the streets as we'd been walking around town and passed a cheerful looking guy on our way for Chris' birthday curry. 'You wan' haircut?' he shouted as he caught us looking. 'Yeah, I want a haircut'. It was a great hair cut too - very thorough and precise, including a slightly nervous straight razor moment. Everyday as we walk past, the barber gives us a big smile and checks Chris' hair. Very Cool (oh and cheap - less than a quid).

We had a fairly decent Indian curry for our dinner and then proceeded to one of the bars we'd been given a flier for previously. These fliers had all been advertising Vietnamese cocktail buckets - we had to try them! They were about 60p for a large plastic jam jar of Long Island Iced Tea. Quite strong and just about drinkable (we managed a few). We later found out that because Vietnamese vodka is cheaper than the Coke they can make them very strong for cheaper than if they were weak. We had a good time chatting to a couple of Kiwi girls, an Argentinian girl with 1 kidney, and a Slovenian couple. We stumbled home late to find our hotel shuttered, we panicked slightly as a wee was needed pretty badly and make enough noise for the night porter to let us in. This noise making may have invovled a door bell but we can't really remember! Just to add to how drunk you think we were - when we got into our room we thought the power was out but in actual fact we'd simply hit the mains power switch instead of the light switch on our way in!


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